The SoloGrit Community exists to connect leadership solopreneurs to succeed together. We encourage our members to learn from and connect with other Leadership Solopreneurs.
These are the expectations that guide our community and what we expect from ALL members:
- Anti-intolerance. SoloGrit stands against all forms of dehumanizing or unlawful treatment of others. Including but not limited to all forms of cyberbullying, cyber-harassment, hate speech, or threats based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, disability, or immigration status.
- Be kind and respectful. As a SoloGrit community builder, you know that communities are fundamentally about belonging — there's no need to be mean, rude, offensive, or antagonistically political. While it is fine to challenge the ideas or arguments of others in our Community, avoid calling them names or making disrespectful comments about them. If you and another member of our Community have a disagreement, make an effort to understand their points of view before you respond to them. And when you respond, strive to resolve disagreements constructively and respectfully. Disagreement is no excuse for poor manners.
- Don't promote, solicit, or spam. There’s a dedicated space for that. We reserve the right, at our complete discretion, to remove any comments or statements that we or our systems identify as promotions, solicitations, or spam.
- Keep discussions relevant and reasonable. This is a community about SoloGrit, community building, and related topics. We do not want you to feel limited or constrained to any specific topics or ideas, but topics or ideas that have no apparent relation to SoloGrit, community building, or our Community’s stated goals will likely not be relevant.
- Come with purpose: When you join events, workshops, or step into a Livestream session, come fully engaged. Your active involvement not only benefits you, but enhances the experience for everyone involved.
- Respect the privacy of others. This is a private Community for creators who pay for our product. In general, we'd love for everyone to be as open and transparent as they want to be, but we want their privacy to be respected. Please do not share anyone’s nonpublic personal information on our platform. Do not use our platform to dox, extort, harass, or spread false and disparaging rumors about others.
- What happens if someone violates the community guidelines? If we identify a violation, we may, at our discretion, opt to delete it without further comment and without notifying the individual who violated our guidelines.
A first-time violation may receive a warning from us. A second-time violation may receive another warning. If more than two violations occur during a short period of time, such as within one month, we may take further action. Violations of our Anti-Intolerance guidelines are likely to result in a permanent ban.
- If you believe someone has violated our Code of Conduct or if you need any clarification about our Code of Conduct, please message:
- We’d appreciate your help in keeping this community a place we're all excited to be a part of!
P.S. If you have not read them, please read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Latest update as of December 10, 2024